On the use of Artificial Intelligence in Creative Industries

Since its inception, artificial intelligence has always struck fear in the minds of people. 

Will machines replace humans?

And in the last decade, we have seen a rapid acceleration in this industry. AI recommendation engines are rife on all social media platforms, robots have replaced car assembly workers in factories, and many mundane tasks are being automated away.

But most experts said there’s a final frontier. Creativity.

They said computer intelligence would never be able to replace human creativity, but we are beginning to see that change.

Last year, Github launched Co-Pilot, an AI that writes code alongside developers, creatively developing whole functions, and can even interpret everything into another programming language. 

While this saves developers a lot of time, with the convergence of no-code programming, it may end up eliminating much of their work.

For photographers, OpenAI’s DALL-E is generating images from text. Now I don’t need to work on complex shoots for a project, all I have to do is generate images through DALL-E. 

But this is just the beginning, Google’s Imagen is taking it to the next level with a new AI model that is even more realistic and bests DALL-E in tests with human raters.

Computer intelligence has successfully proven that it can eliminate jobs in the creative industry.

What does this mean for industry stakeholders?

Historically, advances in technology have eliminated some tasks while accelerating the others, and of the technologies that have this power, AI is the most prominent at the moment. 

The best way to insure against being made irrelevant by technology is to embrace it, and transform your craft at the speed with which it moves if not faster.

This is why we are building Stylebitt. Especially for fashion creatives, we are building solutions to help you stay on the bleeding edge of technology and transform your business with every turn of digital advancement. 

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