
fashion school classroom

4 Fashion Tutors Share Their Best Tips For Selecting a Fashion School

What factors do you consider when choosing a fashion school? Is it the cost, location, or reputation? How do you decide which school aligns best with your goals and aspirations?  To succeed as a fashion designer, you need customers who genuinely appreciate your work. Since customer preferences constantly evolve, learning new styles and techniques is […]

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Maya's story about Stylebitt

Scaling With Style: Maya’s Success Story Using Stylebitt for Professional Fashion Management

For me, Stylebitt isn’t just a tool; it’s an essential part of keeping my business running smoothly and efficiently. “Stylebitt helps me stay on top of things, even while I’m away at the fashion school. I love the invoicing and order-tracking features. the most,” ~ Maya, 2024 Meet Maya, the visionary behind RetroMaya, a fashion

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Abdul Hammed's story about Stylebitt

Securing Customers’ Measurements: How Stylebitt Transformed Abdul Hammed’s Fashion Business

Before now, I used to have my own measurement book, customized with my name and business information. But after some time, the pages would tear, get lost, or become damaged with water,” I would have to retake the customers’ measurements when the customer wants to sew. Abdul Hammed has been running and managing Afahmod Concept

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Ani Benjamin story about Stylebitt

Taking Customer’s Measurements: How Benjamin Manages His Records with Stylebitt

Nowadays, if a customer calls me to take their measurements, I just go with my phone and my retractable tape. It makes me look professional. This always impresses first-time customers. Benjamin Ani is the founder of Beejay’s Creations, a fashion brand based in Abuja, Nigeria. Growing up, He always had an eye for fashion, critiquing

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